Many innovative ideas by women do not see light of the day due to lack of a supportive environment, increasing competition and burden of becoming financially viable on time.

The objective of the WEAIM is to support aspiring women entrepreneurial efforts /start-ups achieve sustainability, also help to accelerate the existing manufacturing enterprises and make them fill their strategy mentoring and funding gaps to scale up


WEAIM is welcoming a new era of Women Manufacturers in Telangana to start with

We are an association of incubators for women in manufacturing sector ,We work in synergy with several other incubators, aggregator forums and facilitators


Women manufacturers incubation needs a dynamic new approach all together. Incubators should not complicate extension process rather address simple solutions for women entrepreneurs and aspiring women entrepreneurs. Ideas are intellectual goods too these days and needs to be nurtured. We perceive women in India to make in India at different levels beyond the lab and the land boundaries- at home level, at community center level, at industrial land level.

Much before we speak of ease of doing business for women entrepreneurs, currently in our state and country majority women are seeking support even for how to start a manufacturing business, also how to scale their existing businesses. WEAIM 2030 vision is our goal declaration of incubating 1 lakh women entrepreneurs cum intrapreneurs in manufacturing sector.




Women manufacturers incubation needs a dynamic new approach all together. Incubators should not complicate extension process rather address simple solutions for women entrepreneurs and aspiring women entrepreneurs. Ideas are intellectual goods too these days and needs to be nurtured. We perceive women in India to make in India at different levels beyond the lab and the land boundaries- at home level, at community center level, at industrial land level.

Much before we speak of ease of doing business for women entrepreneurs, currently in our state and country majority women are seeking support even for how to start a manufacturing business, also how to scale their existing businesses. WE AIM 2025 is our goal declaration of incubating 1 lakh women entrepreneurs cum intrapreneurs in manufacturing sector.

Board of Directors

Dr (Mrs) Sowmini Sunkara

Cofounder & Managing Director

Dr. Sowmini Sunkara is an Agri-professional holding Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biotechnology with 15+ years of experience in research (Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biology, Plant Tissue Culture & Transformation) and management of various National & International projects related to Rural/Agri- livelihoods, Agri- Value Chains, Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs), Entrepreneurship & Seed sector.

She is Founder & Managing Director at Agrighar Services Pvt Ltd (2019, www.agrighar.com ) and currently woking as National Project Coordinator at bilateral project Indo- German Cooperation on Seed Sector Development (www.indogermanseedproject.com ). She is also an Executive Committee (EC) member at Gramabharati NGO (www.gramabharathi.in)

She is a Strategic entrepreneur and her entrepreneurial journey started with

  • Designated Partner of ABY Farmers LLP (2017, www.aby.co.in)
  • Former Chairperson, Promoter & Founding Director of Grama Bharathi Natural Farmers Producer Company Limited (GBNFPCL, 2021)
  • Co-Founder at WEAIM Mart Pvt Ltd (2022, www.weaimmart.com)
  • She is an experienced rural development professional/ trainer cum catalyst where She trained thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs, Farmers, SHG women and agriculture students on various topics related to Agri-entrepreneurship, Rural livelihoods, Agri-Value Chains, Farmer Producer Organisations etc and she is on mission to train many more in future

    Few of her other engagements include

  • National Resource Person at National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) for training SRLMs state/district executives & performing various evaluation/ assessment studies of Ministry of Rural development
  • Invited guest speaker at numerous capacity building/training programmes organised by National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) & AgHub, PJTSAU
  • Key note speaker on various international conferences and webinars
  • Mrs Phanisri Konte

    CoFounder & Director HR & Finance

    Phanisri is a HR professional with over 10 years of experience in handling Human Relations, with a constant requisite to empathize with employees across various geographies and to consistently maintain the service levels.

    While the challenge of adhering to deadlines and meeting various demands was a given, there was continuous effort to keep the mind relaxed and body healthy.

    This was possible through time tested traditional methods like Yoga, Ayurveda and usage of natural ingredients in her daily life. The appreciation of such methods was influenced by results produced without any side-affects.

    Our Team

    Dr Sridevi Samineni

    Director, Women Empowerment

    Dr.Sridevi Samineni completed her Post-doctoral degree in Business Management with Entrepreneurship as a specialization (University grants commission, India) and Doctorate in Management from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.

    She is one women leader who is Truly passionate how business mixed with social motive can positively impact the world around us and bring difference in the lives of people. Prior to this, she was associated with a business management college as an engaged teacher and mentored several students for 17 years.

    She also authored four books in the area of Entrepreneurship and she aspires to be part of the social transformation of the society.

    Kalyani Gadugu

    General Administration

    Mrs Kalyani is working as an admin at WEAIM. She has an educational qualification of B.A,(HEP). She has multiple years of experience in training women (at ALEAP) on various techniques like dry cleaning, Rolling, Maggam work, Saree Block printing, Candle Making, Dhoop stick making.

    Reach out to her @ [email protected] or on +91 98660 45269